6 tips for making back to school a breeze

Make back to school easy for parents
India Price,-Contributing Editor

Are your kids returning to school or starting for the first time? Here’s how to get them to class with minimum drama and maximum organisation 

September can throw up a lot of feelings for parents and children alike. New beginnings, different routines, friends to be made and homework to be done: after a carefree summer, this can all feel like a lot. So we’re here to help make the return to the school gates feel easy, whether your kids are well-versed in classroom life or are just starting out in year 1. 

1. Get to grips with uniform

Put aside time for them to try on their uniform early. Not so early that they’ve grown out of anything new by the start of term, but early enough so that there’s still time to score some secondhand bits. A note worth paying attention to if your kids are going to school for the first time: summer uniform is only required for the first half of term. So either size up so that they can still wear the same uniform next summer or grab some secondhand pieces so that you’re not wasting your money on something new they’ll only wear for a few weeks. 

2. Size up, always

Not just for summer uniform, but for everything except shoes (because scuffing the front of their new Clarks or tripping over their feet is never fun for anyone). It sounds simple enough, but sizing up is one of the best things you can do to save time and money on uniform as the year goes on. Don't buy so big that they look like they’re wearing your clothes but do make sure that there’s enough growing room in all of the necessary pieces so that there’s a lot less for you to buy when they have a mid-year growth spurt. 

3. Label, label, label

Use good old-fashioned pens and labels to put your child’s name on everything you can. You’ll save on a lot of lost socks. A top tip? Add your phone number to bigger ticket items like bikes or scooters (and think about using a permanent marker for these). With the number of kids who scoot or bike to class, yours is likely to lose theirs at some point during the post-school rush to the park.

4. Spend time researching the everyday bits

Instead of buying the first water bottle, lunchbox or backpack that you see, allow a bit of time to think about the practicality of such pieces. For example, you want a water bottle that’s really fuss-free and easy to clean – don’t waste time with complex straws or anything that gets in the way of an effective clean. Make life easier by finding simple items that work well – and can be thrown in the washing machine or dishwasher with minimal need for maintenance. 

5. Establish a routine before term starts

Bedtimes, mealtimes and alarms have likely gone out of the window over the summer, so start gently getting them back into a routine a week or so before school starts. You don’t want to be starting the term with overtired kids who are owed sleep after their summer of careless days and nights. It might make you seem like the fun sponge for a bit, but it’s worth it in the long term. 

6. Set some school year resolutions

A lot of parents see September as the start of the new year instead of January, so why not implement some school-based resolutions that you can try to stick to through the school year? Writing out and then printing a spreadsheet of everyone’s timings and movements for the school week each term is a really easy but effective way to feel super organised and on top of things. It may seem tedious at the time but on those hectic mornings where no one knows their head from their toes, you’ll thank yourself. 

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