What to wear to work now

Back to work essentials for men
India Price,-Contributing Editor

Looking for some easy wins in your work wardrobe? Read on to discover them...

With most of us in the office at least a couple of days a week it pays to start thinking about how to up the style stakes without sacrificing the comfort we’ve all become used to in recent years. Read on…

Add the smart into the casual

The last few years have seen most of us get used to a certain level of comfort and that shouldn’t be sacrificed, even if we are in a physical office again. Combine smart and casual by doing two things – first, pick pieces that are comfortable but still maintain elements of style. And second, pair structured items (a suit, an overcoat, a classic shirt) together with something less so (a cotton polo shirt, a hoodie, a loose pair of trousers).

Invest in better tailoring

No matter what kind of office you work in, there are going to be times where a beautiful suit is the only outfit that’ll do. Whether you wear one every day or just need it for important meetings, make this season the one where you invest in a two-piece that can go the distance.

The trick is to find something that you can wear all year round (so picking the right colour and material is key) and to make sure that it fits you properly. Choose a blend of fabrics to keep you warm but not overheated, and stick to grey, black or navy. Struggle to buy off the shelf? Visit our in-store alteration service to get the perfect fit. And remember our helpful guide to picking the best suit online

Upgrade your everyday accessories

Been carrying around the same work bag for years? On the last page of your notebook? Even if you’re not quite in the market to make big investments, accessories can be just the ticket. A new bag can instantly elevate everyday outfits and you’ll find simple pleasure in replacing the pieces that you rarely gave a second thought to, such as your laptop case, your notebook, and your sunglasses

Don’t be afraid to weave in colour or pattern

The majority of offices have adopted a more casual approach over the last few years which can make it hard for your outfit to stand out (if that's what you want). Wave goodbye to the cliché that colour and pattern are only for the warmer months and instead think about weaving some colour or pattern into your everyday workwear – whatever the season. The colours of the moment? Bright orange, bold reds or anything representing autumnal tones. 

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