Top 10 Gift for Men


Editorial Team

A definitive gift list from £20 to solve the annual problem of what to get for the hard-to-buy-for men in your life

Socks. The bane of every dad, boyfriend and son-in-law’s life come Christmas time. It’s not that they’re a bad present – we can point you towards some great ones – but once he’s unwrapped his third or fourth pair on Christmas morning, even an award-winning actor would struggle to sound sincere as he mumbles his thanks to Auntie Doris.

Don’t worry, we’re here to help. This list is guaranteed to provoke genuine joy come unwrapping time, rather than just an Oscar-worthy simulation of it. Get shopping…


For the cocktail connoisseur

First up, a gin that will brighten any post-Christmas lunch G&T. This award-winning tipple from the Scilly Spirit Distillery on, you guessed it, the Isles of Scilly has won prizes not just for taste but also for its frankly gorgeous packaging – the shape of the bottle is inspired by the nearby Bishop Rock Lighthouse. Be prepared for a mini lecture on the hints of lime, orange citrus and juniper that dad can detect. Oh, and is that just a touch of fennel?


For the well-groomed

This will be the first festive season for a while when he’s been able to get properly spruced up for a night out. So why not give him a spiffy new aftershave to finish off his dressing-up ritual ahead of the office party? This bold little number is just perfect. 


For the outdoorsman

He may not be facing anything more extreme than a last-minute hike to the shops to buy cranberry sauce, but that’s no reason for him not to be fully prepared. This lightweight but super warm jacket from Barbour  will handle whatever the British weather can throw at it.


For the armchair aficionado

If this time of year does anything, it helps us rekindle our love affair with the humble slipper. And there’s no cosier looking pair than this borg mule style from our own Anyday line. They’re basically a mobile blanket for his feet.


For the king of calm

For those chilly morning dashes to and from the bathroom, and those long festive days in front of a boxset binge, a comfy dressing gown is an absolute essential. Just pull up the hood on this one and snuggle down on the sofa. Now where’s that remote control…


For the gamer

Enter any number of virtual worlds via this Oculus Quest 2 headset. The built-in speakers deliver cinematic quality sound while the Touch controllers pick up your every movement as you move around the digital landscapes. And when you need a break, why not give Auntie Doris a go? After a couple of sherries, she’ll love it.


For the Bake Off fan

Alright, so you can’t actually get him a spot in the tent and a Hollywood handshake for Christmas, but this brilliant bit of baking kit might be the next best thing. Plug it in, tell him it’s time for the technical challenge and hand him a panettone recipe. Everyone’s a winner.


For the audiophile

Are you fed up listening to the tinny squeak of escaping sound every time your dad listens to Neil Diamond’s greatest hits through his current cans? These are the solution. And their noise-cancelling tech means that he also won’t be able to hear you giggling when he starts humming along to Sweet Caroline.


For the boy who refuses to grow up (and his offspring)

Tradition dictates that dads always ‘lend a hand’ (translation: take over) building any Lego started on Christmas Day. Flip that with a gift that will keep everyone occupied, possibly until Easter. 


For the travelling man

It’s time to put his tatty holdall out to pasture once and for all. Whether it’s for those New Year trips to the gym or that city break you’ve been angling for, this lightweight, durable bag is just what he needs. It even comes with a shoulder strap so he’ll have a hand or two free to help carry your bags too…

Christmas Wish List

Not started your letter to Santa yet? Curate a gift list to share with family and friends

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