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Back To Beauty School
Cassie Steer,-Beauty Editor

Swot up on all those beauty tips and tricks you should have mastered but never quite got around to

As the last days of summer draw to an end, it’s the traditional time for fresh starts and learning new skills. Feeling daunted? Fear not – brushing up on your beauty knowledge is as easy as ABC thanks to a few pro tips and some choice products. So sharpen those (eyeliner) pencils and pack your beauty bags, it’s time to kickstart your eyeliner, hair styling and nail art education.

Create eyeliner perfection

Creating a flawless flick often eludes even the most seasoned makeup pro. The good news is you don’t need a PhD in geometry or the steady hands of a surgeon to master the perfect stroke. 

The key is simply getting stuck in. Don’t over think things – you can always finesse afterwards. First of all, make sure you have your mirror at eye level and your elbow on a flat surface for maximum stability. Then, with your eyeliner pencil at the ready (pencils tend to be a little more forgiving than pens), either go full-throttle with a single rough stroke which can be touched up afterwards or opt for the softly-softly approach, dotting lines along your lashline and simply joining them up bit by bit. Either way, a q-tip soaked in makeup remover is your friend here.

If all else fails, try the credit card trick. Hold the card at a 45 degree angle against the outer corners of the eyes and use it as a template to create a precise wing (straight wings tend to look more graphic while a curved flick feels more retro).

And remember – eyes are sisters, not twins, so it’s all about tailoring your liner to the eye you’re working on rather than trying to make both lines identical.

Do a bouncy blowdry

Our beloved hairdressers make it look easy but those of us who have grappled with nozzles and endured arm ache in the name of beachy waves know that a salon-worthy blowdry is no easy feat. Until now that is.

Proper prep is imperative as your blowdry is only as good as the products you use – especially in terms of longevity. After towel drying your hair apply a heat protection blow-dry product to minimise frizz and extend the life of your hairstyle. Next, rather than attempting an impeccable finish from the get go, dry your hair with a hairdryer until 80% dry before dividing it lengthways into one-to-two-inch-wide sections.

A round brush is generally the preferred tool of the pros and will give a soft curl rather than a poker-straight finish but whichever brush you choose the trick is to ensure that there is enough tension as you dry each section of hair from root to tip, lifting as you go in order to inject as much volume as possible (a nozzle attachment to concentrate the airflow is key to a smooth, salon finish).

To finish, blast with that cool button on your hairdryer that most of us neglect to use – hot air styles, but it’s the cool air that locks that style into place.

Achieve that smoky eye look

It’s the LBD of the beauty world and yet it’s also the beauty basic that still has many of us stumped. At least it does judging by the number of online searches it continues to generate.

The truth is that the ubiquitous smoky eye can be as easy or hard as you care to make it. At its most basic (and arguably most modern-looking), a single eyeshadow colour is swooshed over the lid and taken under the bottom lashline. The resulting cool-girl insouciance is what made it a beauty star in the first place (Instagram versions tend to be more labour-intensive with several different colours and contouring techniques).

Again, perfection is not the aim here – the ideal sultry smoke should look effortless. Concentrate the colour along the lashline and outer corners of the eyes and then blend, blend, blend to ensure that there are no hard lines (a small fluffy brush is the most important bit of kit here).

Apply some smudgy black khol along the top lashline (and inside the waterline if you want added intensity) to anchor the look and finish with a couple of coats of volumising mascara. And if you’re feeling particularly adventurous, apply a dot of metallic eyeshadow in the centre of the lid to make everything pop.

Braid a fishtail plait

It’s the braid that surpasses paltry playground plaits – a do that instantly elevates the wearer in terms of looking grown-up and groomed. Best of all, while they look complex to create, fishtail plaits are actually surprisingly simple to master.

Prep is key so start with texture spray to give your hair some grip. Divide it up into two even sections (fishtails are based on two rather than the traditional three strand braid) then simply pull sections from the outer side of each strand across to join the inside of the opposite strand, grabbing the same amount each time to ensure the braid stays the same size width. Secure the ends with a simple elastic or wind a strand of hair around the bottom and fix with strong-hold hairspray. It’s that easy.

Fishtails look best a little deconstructed so massage the plait and pull out bits of hair to give it some instant sex appeal .

Master a French manicure

Arguably the original nail art, this beauty classic fell out of favour for a while but has been re-invigorated of late by new creative variations. While the traditional crisp white tip and blush nail bed may feel a little twee to some, interesting colour combinations will bring it bang into the 21st century. Try giving timeless tips a 1920s twist by pairing neon with a nude nail…

When it comes to any manicure, putting the groundwork will ensure the most professional, long-lasting finish so start by swiping the nail bed with a polish remover to ensure a clean, oil-free surface, before applying your base coat. Next, apply at least two thin coats (the thinner the better) of your main colour, allowing each layer to dry for a few minutes and correcting any mistakes using a small makeup brush dipped in nail polish remover.

For the tips, make a small dash in the centre of the nail with the polish brush before making arcs on either side to connect it. This will avoid one side being thicker than the other and will help to ensure perfect half moon tips. Apply a swipe of top coat for a flawless, glossy finish.

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