Cargo pants! Bucket hats! The Y2K essentials that make summer dressing a breeze

Y2K fashion trend
Olivia Lidbury

The style staples from the millennium are making a comeback. Prepare to be converted

Last summer, the trend gods gave us floaty and frilly prairie-style dresses to waft around in. They looked effortlessly good with battered trainers and facilitated over-indulgence at barbecue #147 of the season. 

But the fashion pendulum has swung and this season the look to covet has abruptly changed. Now it’s all about cropped tops, baggy trousers and shoulder bags. Having deja-vu? It’s because the aptly-named ‘Y2K’ movement is like stepping back 20-plus years to the turn of the millennium. 

If you’re old enough to remember handkerchief tops and chokers the first time around, chances are you might be reticent to dip another toe into this midriff-bearing water. But there are some elements of the trend that are remarkably right for now. Honestly. Keep reading to find out exactly what.

Small shoulder bags are magically practical

Ergonomically designed to tuck right under your arm, these diminutive designs are all you need for keys and a phone (hold the wallet: Y2K + two decades = ApplePay). Go as bright or as sensible as you desire – that's the beauty of an accessory.

Cargo pants + denim shackets = the ultimate travel wardrobe

Going somewhere by plane? Then the last thing you want is to be stripping down to your smalls in a jumpsuit in the cabin’s microscopic loo. The Y2K off-duty uniform – a shacket and baggy pants –offers both comfort and protection against the unpredictable air-con of both airports and aircraft. Just keep fabrics and colours varied for a 2022 update. 

Bucket hats suit everyone

Those wide-rimmed straw hats look great – until you try to pack one or want to lean back on your lounger and read. A bucket hat is far less space-invading, and they magically suit both twentysomethings and ​​sexagenarians alike.

You probably already have some crochet in your wardrobe…

If the aforementioned hanky or cropped top feels a throwback too far, then a touch of crochet will bring your outfit right up to date. Lending an artisanal spin to jeans, a crocheted top also makes for the ultimate beach cover-up. But do raid the loft first, as chances are you might already hve one stashed away and be ahead of the trend curve on this one.

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