Introducing John Lewis car seats

John Lewis baby car seats
Maggie Westhead,-Digital Editor

Refined quality, sleek design and made with your baby’s safety firmly in mind: meet John Lewis’ new car seats

Some purchases take extra special consideration. Your baby’s first car seat, the one that will take them from hospital to home, is definitely one of them. But children need car seats until they are 135cm tall or 12-years old, whichever comes first (check the law here) so car seats will be part of your parenting life for a long while. It's vital that your chosen car seat suits your lifestyle and your car. To assist your quest to find one that’s safe, reliable and practical, John Lewis is here to help with its newly launched range of car seats.

The range includes the super lightweight (under 4kg) portable car seat which can be used from birth to around 12-15 months and is compatible with selected pushchairs to create a travel system. As well as belted car seats to suit kids up to 12, the range also has ISOFIX car seats that slot right into your car - this one has 360 degree swivel for easy access and extended rearward facing to 4 years.

‘John Lewis already has an established own-brand product assortment within Nursery that our customers love,’ says Roseanne Winthrop, Partner & Buyer, Nursery Travel. ‘We also know that our customers trust us when it comes to car seat safety and choosing the right car seat for them and their child, so we developed a range of own-brand car seats to meet their varying lifestyle needs and pass the current safety regulations R44.04 or R129 (iSize). Our new car seats offer great quality and style, and at affordable price points.' Prices start at £60.


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