Spring clean your beauty routine

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Cassie Steer,-Beauty Editor

Now is the time for a skincare switch up

With so many of us spending more time at home, the idea of embarking on a ‘spring clean’ has never been more appealing. But alongside tidying those overflowing kitchen cupboards and decluttering your living space, have you considered an overhaul of your beauty regime? 

Start by simply taking a moment to assess the state of your skin. Is it looking dull? You may need to add in a chemical exfoliator if you haven’t already. Is your make-up slipping over the course of many online meetings? It could be that your moisturser is too heavy for the time of year. If the answer to any of the above is yes and you’ve unwittingly got stuck in a skincare rut, now is the perfect time to reset and refresh.

Clean start

Cleansers tend to take a backseat in most people’s regimes but treating them as an afterthought can throw up all sorts of skin issues later down the line. Most skin experts will recommend changing your facial cleanser depending on the season; in winter for example you should use a milder, more cosseting texture such as a balm or oil as the skin’s barrier tends to be compromised due to the combination of colder, drier air with moisture-stripping central heating. For spring and summer you might want to look at swapping in a foaming or wash-off cleanser, especially one that contains salicylic or glycolic acid to keep pores clear of excess sebum and debris.

About face (moisturisers)

Just as we’re finally beginning to peel off the 60 deniers and shrug away at least a layer or two, our skin also has less need for super heavy creams. You may not be quite ready for gel formulas just yet so in this transitional stage it’s a good idea to go for lighter versions of your favourites while not forgetting SPF. However, as our skin ages its needs change and it may need a little more help to stay plump and perky, so always look out for signs that your skin needs a new moisturiser such as breakouts, tightness, oiliness or redness after application.

In bloom

To really help your complexion blossom, you need to treat it to the right ingredients. Antioxidants are always a good idea regardless of the season, especially as UV exposure increases. If the change in temperature is making your skin a little unsettled and blemish-prone add in a salicylic acid either in the form of a toner or on-the-spot treatment and if post-winter dullness is an issue, AHAs are your go-tos. But actives aren’t just a seasonal adjustment. Retinol is the one ingredient dermatologists will tell you to incorporate into your regime at the first signs of ageing, so if you haven’t already, now may be the time to take the plunge.

New beginnings

As for the best products to spring clean a dull complexion? We love these dead-cell removing, pore purging heros. Add one to your repetoire and your beauty spring clean is complete.

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