The Guest Edit
Stylist Trishna Goklani’s handbag heroes
The Guest Edit: Trishna Goklani
Gilly Ferguson,-Contributing Editor

From everyday essentials you’ll swear by to the little luxuries to love

A must-follow for anyone longing to know what’s cool now and next (including her 34,000 followers), London-based content creator Trishna Goklani is one timeless tastemaker – mastering ‘quiet luxury’ way before it went mainstream. But how does someone so stylish keep their chic together on-the-go?

The everyday essentials

‘I must admit, I’m not a very organised person when it comes to my bag – but I always know where to find what I need. Inside my emergency pouch is a stash of must-haves – mints, blister bandaids, face mists, keys, you name it.

‘A roomy and easy-to-access pouch is an on-the-go essential. That and my cardholder are all I need to head into the city. I adore the completeness a sleek cardholder brings, especially if it comes with a compartment for coins or keys. It’s the little things that add up to make me feel perfectly put together.’

The little luxuries

‘Given my tendency for dry skin, a good hand cream is a non-negotiable in my bag, working wonders on cuticles, soothing dry patches and even tackling unexpected flyaway hairs. Trust me, it’s a pro tip! And a good perfume is like a love story – Chanel Gabrielle Essence had my heart in a matter of seconds. Whether it’s a deep, musky scent for a cosy evening or a light, earthy tone to match my mood, I switch between fragrances based on seasons and occasions. 

‘Rain or shine, you’ll always find a pair of sunnies in my bag – they’re the ultimate outfit completer. Whether it’s a sleek, oversized, and angular pair or a softer, rounder silhouette, sunglasses are not just a style statement; they’re my go-to tool for shutting out the world.’

Stylist Trishna Goklani
The makeup

‘My makeup mantra is simple: start with a stellar base, add a warm touch of colour, and when in doubt, rock the red lip. My personal favourite? A hydrating, feather-light tint or concealer over a well-moisturised canvas – great makeup begins with great skincare.

‘For cheeks and lips, I’m all about that subtle, warm flush a shade deeper than my skin tone for a post-sauna glow. As for the eyes, simplicity reigns supreme with a generous coat of mascara and, of course, a clear brow gel to keep those eyebrows perfectly in place.’

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