It’s the season of the capacious bag and we’re all just living in it

New season bag
Holly Rains,-Senior Editor

Not literally. Although…

Picture the scene: it’s 2019 and you’re leaving the house. You have a laptop, wallet, keys, a phone, a book you won’t read and a spare pair of shoes. The one thing you’re missing? A vessel to hold them all in. Fashion has dictated that micro bags are The Thing, so instead, you fill your biscuit-sized bag with a single Smint (the box won’t fit) and a credit card (if it folds) – willing to risk it all in the name of Fashion.  

Fast forward to now, and micro bags have been handed back to the Sylvanian Families who invented them, and made way for a style that actually holds things. These bags are called bags

This was until this week, when a ‘ludicrously capacious bag’ was called into question. Was holding such a hefty bag the ultimate faux pas? Did it bring shame on the family? Was it the ultimate assault on the senses?

Not again.

We are not going back to the micro bag years, and are doubling down on the most capacious bags we can find. Here are our picks, from moderately capacious to most audaciously capacious indeed.

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