Home Decor Ideas & InspirationSmall bedroom makeover: How to transform your room in under a day
Small bedroom makeover: How to transform your room in under a day
Holly Rains,-Senior Editor

There’s nothing more satisfying than seeing a room transform before your very eyes. Especially when that transformation happens in just eight hours. Start your stopwatches…

Join design stylist Will Law and senior editor & host Holly Rains as they help transform beauty journalist Laura Capon's childhood bedroom into a multi-functioning space that is designed for work, rest and most importantly, getting a good night's sleep.

From decluttering years worth of accumulated stuff to adding clever storage solutions to make the most of the small bedroom space, watch this epic ANYDAY bedroom makeover and discover plenty of space saving tips and budget-friendly bedroom ideas. 

4 tips for transforming your bedroom on a budget

1. If your room has multiple uses, think about creating defined ‘zones’ to make the space work harder and smarter. For example, if your bedroom is also where you work, make sure you have a designated space to work from (no, your bed doesn’t count). This is where a folding desk comes into its own. Flip it up at the end of the working day, take a deep breath and pretend those back-to-back Zoom meetings never happened. 

2. Soft furnishings are the quickest (and often cheapest) way to create a cosy, tactile space that easily defines your ‘sleeping zone’. Start from the ground up, by layering rugs to add pattern and texture underfoot, and then move to the bed to add a selection of decorative details in the form of cushions and throws.

3. Closed storage is key to creating a zen-like space. Having everything out on display is nice in moderation, but can build up over time and become yet another cluttered space to think about dealing with. Remember, storage doesn’t have to be a big piece of furniture – sometimes containers and boxes are just as effective at getting clutter out of your eyeline.

4. Add impact and personality by framing wallpaper samples. A cheaper alternative to buying artwork or having to wholly redecorate the space – simply choose designs that fit the rest of your room’s colour palette and layer them up to create your own bespoke gallery wall. 

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