The Guest Edit
Presenter and podcaster Kat Farmer’s winter favourites
The Guest Edit: Kat Farmer
Holly Rains,-Senior Editor

Proving wardrobe staples don’t have to be neutral

When it comes to getting a wardrobe that pays its way, it’s all about nailing the basics. Getting the foundations right will take the guesswork out of early morning dressing dilemmas, leaving you looking ‘put together’ regardless of how you actually feel. 

Someone who has mastered this formula is author, presenter and podcaster Kat Farmer, who’s here with a curated edit of winter wardrobe essentials guaranteed to spruce up existing outfits, and some cold-weather beauty essentials to be used on repeat.

‘We all know it’s going to be chilly for months so this jumper is on my Christmas list to brighten up those long winter weekends. It’s the most versatile shade of pink that works with all the neutrals you already own.’

‘A classic coat of pure elegance, double-faced and in a wool blend. The khaki shade will work so well with bright pink or the charcoal grey knit below, trust me. It’s perfect for layering under so you’ll never be too warm or too cold.’

‘Practical and warm boots most definitely don’t need to be dull. Be it snowy, rainy or just cold and crisp, these tan boots will instantly improve any winter walk. I’d team them with leggings and an oversized knit.’

‘And speaking of oversized knits, the sparkle in this brings instant Christmas cheer to any outfit. Comfortable, stylish, practical and cosy. What more could you want from a jumper?’

‘If you’re looking for a gift idea or are just thinking about self-gifting, call off the dogs. These are what everyone needs in their life. Seriously, if you’ve never experienced the cosy joy of wrist warmers, you’re in for a treat. I’ll have some in every colour, please.’

‘My winter staple. I probably wear these faux-leather leggings four out of seven days in the winter. They work as well for a party with heels as they do for a walk in the country with chunky boots. You’ll honestly wonder how you lived without them – I only wish they made them in more colours.’

‘The perfect jacket for an evening out, for wearing under an oversized coat now and for throwing over a tee and jeans into the spring. Parisian chic at its finest.’

Image of a lady standing in front of a brick wall with snow falling down wearing a brown leather jacket and blue jumper

‘Dear Santa, please be reading this and please, please could I have some more of this for Christmas? Eau des Sens is one of my favourite fragrances ever and the one that always makes people ask, “Ooh what are you wearing?” Guaranteed to make anyone smile. (Especially me.)’

‘I love a knitted dress. Comfy, warm, stylish and stretchy, dress it down with chunky boots for a more casual affair or heels for any smarter occasion. This leopard frock will take you happily into spring with the little Parisian jacket above.’

‘What could be more perfect than the gift of sleep? Help them relax and recharge with the most Zen candle you can give.’

‘This Charlotte Tilbury moisturiser does exactly what it says on the tin and is indeed a magic cream. I don’t know how it works, but for simply better skin in a minute, look no further. Also, you can never have too many of these – just saying.’

‘And speaking of magic, how would you like lips that are like yours but better? Dior Addict is what you need. There are lots of different shades but for me, the pink gives you the perfect nude (t’s not pink pink, just really good “the best version of your lips” pink).’

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